CSF online meeting

Stigma and Discrimination of Key Populations in Healthcare Settings

The first CSF online meeting of the year focused on stigma and discrimination of key populations in healthcare settings.


During this meeting, Teymur Noori presented the European Stigma Survey Results with a focus on HIV-related stigma in healthcare settings, followed by a presentation by Ferenc Bagyinszky on Discrimination against people living with HIV in healthcare settings, based on data collected from AAE member organisations. Afterwards, Igor Gordon(EHRA) delivered a presentation titled “United for Change and Responding to the Stigma: Advocacy Strategy for Comprehensive Health and Harm Reduction Services for People Who Use Drugs in Europe”. Following the thematic discussion, we also discussed the CSF and how its members envision the CSF's future. 

Please check the Agenda for more details.


BOOST. United for Change and Responding the Stigma: Advocacy Strategy for Comprehensive Health and Harm Reduction Services for People Who Use Drugs in Europe

Discrimination against people living with HIV in healthcare settings –a European HIV Legal Forum project

Webinar Report - Stigma and Discrimination  of Key Populations  in Healthcare Settings

CSF Online Meeting June Agenda