Eliminating Stigma, Discrimination and Criminalisation of Key Populations

Thematic Network on HIV , TB, viral hepatitis, and STIs: Eliminating Stigma, Discrimination and Criminalisation of Key Populations

The webinar Eliminating Stigma, Discrimination and Criminalisation of Key Population by the Thematic Network on HIV , TB, viral hepatitis, and STIs will provide evidence-based insights on stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV (PLHIV) and key populations; as well as lived experiences of community speakers on how stigma and discrimination affect their quality of life and their access to health services.

Speakers will discuss how political determinants, such as punitive laws and policies, hinder key populations from fully exercising their human rights and living a life free of stigma and discrimination. They will make recommendations on how to improve the current situation and outline good practices to be considered by different policymakers, healthcare providers, and organisations representing affected communities, health authorities, and funders.

The webinar will contribute to the development of a Joint Statement highlighting good and promising practices that should be scaled up in order to reach the relevant Sustainable Development Goals and other global and regional targets.

This webinar will be held in English and is open to the public.

Agenda of the webinar 

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